Diana Nyad was greeted by consistent winds 14 knots, which is about 16 miles per hour, as she attemps to become the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage.
Her team has been active on twitter, updating followers with the latest events. Though the thunderstorm was no joke, they found a way to look at the bright side of their situation. This is what one of their tweets:
Big thunderstorm came out of nowhere last night, but good news is there were no signs of jellyfish.
Because of the storm, the swimmer had to change course and swim northwest.
By the way, Diana Nyad is a 62-year-old swimmer. She has attempted to accomplish the feat before, most recently in 2011. She tried it three times in less than a year.
The reason for her stopping her last race, as Reuters.com documented, was because of stings from Portugese Man of War in her face and arms.
In case anybody is unfamiliar with what a Portugese Man of War is, it is a jellyfish with tentacles that are 30 feet long. It looks like a hot air balloon under water.
So this is why the team would rather face the weather than the jellyfish. She has already been stung four times according to ABC.com, but she does have a body suit built to protect her from such attacks.
The swim from Cuba to Florida is 103 miles. She is scheduled to accomplish the feat by Tuesday or Wednesday. If she completes the swim by Wednesday, she will have a lot to be thankful about for her 63rd birthday.
You can follow Diana Nyad on Twitter.com @diananyad. Her team provides the latest updates on the swimmer's accomplishments