Sep 28, 2012 11:15 AM EDT
NBA News And Rumors 2012: League Is Ready To Issue Penalties For 'Flopping'

After years of complaints about NBA athletes being actors on the court, the league finally seems ready to outlaw flopping, the act of exaggerating contact to induce a foul call.

League officials are still working on the specifics, but the policy will probably involve a postgame review, rather than an in-game ruling by referees. The penalty for the act will most likely be a fine.

Whether the league will increase fines for repeat offenders, or even suspend habitual floppers, is not yet clear.

For years fans have railed against flopping-the flailing arms, backwards stumbles and comical gyrations designed to fool referees into calling a foul. Many coaches have also been critical of the act as well.

Stern signaled last spring that a policy was probably coming.

"We just want to put a stake in the ground that says,'This is not something that we want to be part of our game,' without coming down with a sledgehammer, but just doing it in a minimalist way to begin stamping it out," Stern said after a competition committee meeting in June. "And I think there are ways we can do that, and we'll have to wait and see exactly what we come up with."

Making flopping an in-game infraction has also been discussed, but it would be tough to determine without the benefit of replay. It would also place a greater burden on referees.

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