Nov 09, 2012 10:38 PM EST
Liverpool Transfer News: Brendan Rodgers Rubbishes Fernando Torres Rumors, Reveals He Will Buy Players in January

Liverpool have been relying on one man to bail them out of trouble time and again, and with the over-reliance apparent to everyone around Anfield, manager Brendan Rodgers admitted he would look to strengthen his squad in the next transfer window in January.

If Luis Suarez hadn't scored all those goals, some of them especially special, Liverpool might be finding themselves in bit of a relegation battle rather than mid-table obscurity.

With Fabio Borini - Liverpool's only other recognized striker -- out for a while, the prospect of Suarez getting injured or missing a few games cannot be imagined, with Rodgers hoping the Reds can carry on until January, when he hopes he can bring in some much-needed players.

"I am confident we will be able to reinforce the squad," he said. "We know we need to get the group some help and I am sure we will do that.

"The quicker we can get it done the better and that will certainly be the aim."

One of those reinforcements that have been suggested was an incredible return to Anfield for Fernando Torres, but Rodgers shot that down quickly. "I have never heard that before," he told reporters, before refusing to answer a follow-up question.

Rodgers also expressed his happiness at Suarez being in the news for the right reasons, after his brilliant goal against Newcastle received much acclaim. "It is nice the football aspect of his game is being focused on, but the most important thing for Luis is he comes in every day, his concentration is good," the manager added.

"His goal last week typifies the talent he is. He has been a real reference for our team and hopefully that will continue."

Suarez and Andy Carroll were bought as Torres' replacements, when the Spanish striker moved to Chelsea, and while one hasn't quite worked out, Rodgers is delighted with the way Suarez has transformed himself into a world-class striker. "Certainly from the outside, Fernando Torres did a terrific job at Liverpool," Rodgers said. "Certainly in his first 18 months he was fantastic.

"He decided to move on. Liverpool got another world-class striker who as has been absolutely breathtaking, particularly this season.

"Obviously Fernando Torres went to Chelsea and good luck to him. I can't really comment on Fernando Torres.

"I can only comment on the short period I have been in here and working with Luis Suarez. I am blessed to work at a great club with great players and Luis is one of them.

"Liverpool have done terrific out of the deal and got a real top player here."

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