Cleveland Browns Rumors: Oakland Raiders Fired PR Man Zak Gilbert Hired By Team As Rookie Ausar Walcott Charged With Attempted Murder

Jun 26, 2013 10:58 AM EDT

The Cleveland Browns are dealing with some bad PR with the arrest of rookie Ausar Walcott for attempted murder, but they will have a new man handling the press for issues like that, as the team hired former Oakland Raiders PR man Zak Gilbert after he was fired.

According to, the team hired Gilbert after he was dismissed in controversial fashion by the Raiders, as owner Mark Davis did not like a story written in Sports Illustrated by Jim Trotter.  General manager Reggie McKenzie was the one who hired Gilbert and many saw it as a power move, but Davis denied that. The story was critical of Davis and the franchise and now Gilbert has a new job.

Gilbert got access for Trotter and he was put on leave after the story came out and now he is with the Browns, as CEO Joe Banner said that he will be a new leader as director of communications. Gilbert has experience at both the college and pro levels and now he will be thrusted into the job immediately, as the team is dealing with some bad press.

According to Fox, Walcott was identified as a suspect and turned himself into police after punching someone in the head at the The Palace Gentlemen's Club. The man he punched is in critical condition and Walcott turned himself in. He is on $500,000 bail and he was signed last month by the team. The incident occurred at 3 AM in New Jersey .

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