Terrible news emerged from a Serie B game as 25-year-old footballer Piermario Morosini suffered and died from a heart attack during a match. The former Italy Under 21 midfielder, was 25 years old.
According to a cardiologist at Pescara Santo Pirito hospital, Morosini was already dead when he arrived for care. Doctors tried to resuscitate him but he never regained conciousness.
Morosini collapsed during the 31st minute of the match. It was only after he attempted several times to get back on his feet before a medical unit rushed onto the pitch. His heart was being massaged by a defibrillator before ambulances arrived. Doctors attempted to revive him but efforts failed and the midfielder was pronounced dead.
"Morosini never had a single heartbeat again," Leonardo Paloscia said. "From when I arrived he never gave a sign of revival, not in his respiration nor his heartbeat. When I arrived everything (his heart, respiration) was stopped.
Investigations are underway as a traffic police car blocking the ambulance's roadway may have delayed medics from reaching Morosini. The car' window was smashed open in order to clear the car off the path.
"There was great confusion and I seemed to understand that there was also a bit of delay in help arriving, because they said the ambulance couldn't get on the pitch because the entrance was blocked by another car. Some of my teammates helped carry the stretcher by hand to the ambulance," said Pescara goalkeeper Luca Anania.
The current match was abandoned. Also in response to Moraine's death, All Italian matches for the weekend were cancelled.