If Canelo doesn't knockout Mayweather, Mayweather wins.... Working on report.
1:00 Canelo gets Mayweather on the ropes. Canelo lands. MAYWEATHER MOCKS CANELO BADLY!!! Stays look at the ropes after Canelo wildly missed a punc.
2:00 Straight lefts. Left hook,. Right hook lands on Mayweather's jabs. Mayweather throws 15 straight punches with Canelo throwing a punch.
2:30 Canelo trying to corner Mayweather. Mayweather absorbs body shots. Canelo takes straight to the face!
Canelo needs a knockout... Body shot. Kidney shot maybe?
:20 .... :10 Canlo's head gettin snapped back. BELL Both boxers lock eyes!
:40 Whopping right by Canelo misses. Canelo with about 7 straights tot he body which din't do much to Mayweather
1:00 Canelo has Mayweather on theropes. Canlo lands straight right. Mayweather walks away.
Mayweather with the uppercut. Taking shots. Mayweather landing. Canelo gets out.
2:00 Canelo on the ropes. Mayweather jabs. Jabs. Canelo counters. Mayweather jabs straight right. Mayweather with body shots.
2:30 Both center of the ring exchanging jabs and body shots.
:30 Canelo with body shots. Fail.
1:00 Canelo with four punches that barely get Mayweather. Canelo looks extremely slow. Mayweather with jabs right now. Body shot to Canelo
1:30 Canelo close, but misses with right over Mayweather's head. Canelo caught with right hand from Mayweather. Mayweather getting cocky!
1:40 Uppercut Mayweather and jab.
2:00 looking like the first round again. Mayweather with straight hands.
Mayweather with jabs early. Canelo makes alot of contact with Mayweather's arm.
Canelo not moving his head when he has Mayweather on the ropes. Mayweather able to counter easily
:10 seconds of every round tend to slack.
:30 Mayweather with the left hand! Canelo has him on the ropes again. Body, body. Canelo grabs Mayweather
:50 Mayweather on the ropes. Canelo with body, Mayweather with counter. Canelo gets bopped on the head!!
1:15 Canelo closing the ring off. Canelo notthrowing punches.
1:40 Body, Body. Mayweather with 1-2 combo. Canelo goes to the body. Mayweather to the head. Canelo with Mayweather on the ropes. Mayweather gets away.
2:00 Canelo again with body shots. Mayweather counters and runs. He seems to know he has the fight won. He's playing defense.
Canelo with three-hit combo early.Canelo chasing Mayweather.
:10 left. Canelo not throwing punches.
:30 Canelo with 1-2 combo to get off the ropes. Mayweather getting swagger points right now. Canelo back alive
1:00 Canelo counters and gets a touch with a right. Canelo GETS POPPED! CANELO ON THE ROPES!!! Canelo not throwing punches! Mayweather measuring.
1:40 both exchange lefts. Mayweather with straight jabs. Canelo tactical.
2:00 Mayweather popping Canelo's head back!
2:33 Mayweather up by four rounds by all judges. 59-55 on all cards.
START- Lefthand pops Canelo's head back.
:10 seconds. Fans on their feet.
:40 Canelo is angry. Straight right. Canelo partially blocks. Canelo misses punches again. Mayweather is too fast.
1:00 Mayweather with the right straight. naother straight. Mayweather seems to have Canelo measured. Canelo avoids a straight
1:25 Canelo with some shoulder action. Canelo points at Mayweather. No respect.
1:33 Canelo with some combos.
2:10 Right lands by Mayweather. Canelo might have grazed Mayweather with uppercut.
2:50 Canelo starts with body shots. Lefthooks exchanged by both. Mayweather lands right uppercut. Mayweather using shoulder
:10 seconds nothing happens in closing seconds.
:48 seconds. Canelo looks gased. MAYWEATHER LEFT! Mayweather right. Mayweather body shots. Canelo still going to the body.
1:30 Uppder left by Canelo. Mayweather counters! That jab. Canelo with 3 jabs. Mayweather with straights again. 40 percent of Mayweather's habs are landing.
2:00 Left, left. Mayweather makes mroe contact. Canelo has Mayweather against the ropes. Can't land left hook. Left hook to Mayweather's face. Mayweather smiles.
2:30 Body shots caught by Mayweather's left arm. Canelo with straights to the body. Mayweather's right gets through. Mayweather's straights are good.
Left by ACenlo to start the round. Right by Mayweather. Straight left by Canelo
:30 Mayweather has Canelo's left eye swelling. Left hook by Mayweather. Straight right to Mayweather's face!! Mayweather counters!! Hasn't thrown a punch since.
:50 Canelo with body shot.
Illegal hits by Canelo. This fight is getting interesting. Mayweather is making contact.
Canelo lands two punches as Mayweather was on the ropes. MAYWEATHER WITH LEFT HOOK! Canelo misses big uppercut!
1:30 Mayweather looks to attack. Jab gets through. Jab, jab! Canelo challenges Mayweather. Straight left to Mayweather. another left. Mayweather on the ropes.
2:20 Mayweather with jab. Ducks. Canelo makes Mayweather flinch badly. Canelo with jab. Mayweather dancing. Canelo gets to Mayweather's body. Counters. gets th ebody.
Both exchange jabs. Mayweather with hands up. Canelo not putting together combos
:13 left hook by Canelo! Mayweather with a left hook. Mayweather on the attack. Hits Canelo's glove.
:55 Mayweather with a jab! Another jab!! Canelo with a body shot
1:30 Both fighters flinch. 1-2 by Maywather!! Mayweather misses with uppercut. Canelo tries to get inside.
1:55 1-2 by Canelo to the body. Canelo attacks the body. Canelo takes a jab to the face.
2:20 Left Canelo, right. Mayweather hit canelo with a job and took a few steps back. Canelo with two jabs
Start- Canelo composed in this fight.
:30 canelo gets Mayweather a bit off balance. Cannelo with straight lefts. Both doing a lot of studying.
1:15 Canelo pushes Mayweather to ropes with straight left. Not much done. SI SE PUEDE cheers take off.
1:40 Canelo with left and right counter. Mises with right hook. Mayweather with straight left to the face. Then left to the body.
2:10 CANELO Cheers ringing. Canelo very received. Boxers get locked up in center ring. Canelo with a straight left.
Bell rings! Mayweather throws the first punch. Canelo throws a left. Mayweather with left hands. Canelo keeps his distance.
Canelo making eye contact. Mayweather just says "Yeaaaah!"
Canelo and Mayweather both in the ring.
Mayweather getting booed in his own homefield. He lives in Las Vegas. Denzel Washington on the ring with Mayweather.
Listen to that crowd!!!!
CANELO IS WEIGHING 165 pounds in this fight. Weighed in at 150. Canelo Alvarez rocking green, white and red trunks.
Is anybody nervous?
INTRODUCTIONS--- Canelo walking 7-0 in World title bouts with 4 KO's. Entering the arena. Canelo is now in the ring!
The crowd is overwhelmingly on Canelo's side.
Weezy and Beiber walking next to Mayweather. You can't even hear Weezy. Weezy just jumping around to "A Milli"
Mayweather vs. Canelo ready! NATIONAL ANTHEMS BEING SUNG! It's almost time.
Pedro Fernandez singing the Mexican national anthem!
Tank singing the U.S. National athem ... Says Money Team let's go adding words to the anthem.
-----------Matthyse vs. Garcia fight is over--------------
Matthyse is currently on the mic.
Welcome to this live blog of Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Saul "Canelo" Alvarez. This is for all those who are not willing to pay way too much money for a boxing match, but recognize the magnitude of this bout. We will bring you the Lederman scorecard with updates and commentary on the action that transpires at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Canelo and Mayweather hold perfect records. For Canelo, it's the biggest moment of his career. This fight is more than a main event battle against a legend. It could make or break Canelo's career and either propel him further into the limelight or make him a regular Joe to have crossed paths with boxing's best pound for pound fighter.
The Tale of the Tape shows that Canelo is about half an inch shorter, but also 13 years younger than Mayweather. At 42-0-1, Mexico's redhead comes to the ring with a lot of experience. His career has taken off suddenly, entering the American boxing world in 2010 after his first 30 bouts took place in Mexico. Canelo will be on the biggest stage of his career.
Mayweather is all about big stages. His personality prompts the boxer to steal headlines even when he's not boxing. After seeing Canelo highlight undercard bouts for his main events, Mayweather figures the 23-year-old was game. All Mayweather sees is the 45th victory in his career.
Mayweather's skills are unmatchable. It's hard to comprehend how a fighter can defend so well, while also having tremendous offensive skills. Mayweather's shoulder rolls protect his face and his left hand is so fast he can leave it low at his waist. When opponents try to land a punch, Mayweather's counters scare them away. Boxers close up, but Mayweather goes to work, finding tiny spots only he can hit with his incredible accuracy.
Canelo packs a punch and Mayweather will have to be extremely careful. 30 of Canelo's 42 victories have come by way of the knockout. The stats are there. However, Mayweather has not only never tasted defeat, but he's never laid on the canvas in his 17-year career.
Refresh the page and scroll to the top of the article for the latest updates from this incredible bout. It's Mayweather vs. Canelo. Who will win this fight? The One will come forward at the end of the night.