Mark Clattenburg Cleared of Any Wrongdoing by the FA; Mikel Charged

Nov 22, 2012 11:01 PM EST

The FA cleared Mark Clattenburg of any wrongdoing after finding him not guilty over a complaint made by Chelsea, following their loss to Manchester United in the English Premier League last month, but Blues player John Obi Mikel has been charged.

Chelsea has accused Clattenburg of using racially motivated language against john Obi Mikel, but the FA found no case to the charge. The Blues midfielder Ramires has alleged Clattenburg said "shut up you monkey" to Mikel during a charged-up match against Manchester United.

"Having considered all of the available evidence it was the opinion of David Waters QC, independent counsel, that the evidence of Ramires was not supported by any other evidence," the FA said in a statement. "Moreover it was contradicted by other witnesses and does not cross the evidential threshold required to bring a charge against Mark Clattenburg.

"Having considered Counsel's opinion, and in view of all the circumstances of the case, The FA does not believe that there is a case for Mr. Clattenburg to answer.

"Equally The FA is satisfied that the allegation against Mark Clattenburg by Ramires was made in good faith. It is entirely possible for a witness to be genuinely mistaken and convincing in his belief.

"The FA receives and investigates numerous allegations of misconduct over the course of a season. All allegations are properly investigated. It is not uncommon for investigations to lead to no disciplinary charge being brought.

"The FA encourages all players who believe they have been either subject, or witness to, discriminatory abuse to report the matter immediately to the match officials on the day. Furthermore, all participants are advised to report any such alleged misconduct to The FA.

"In this case, the player and club were correct in reporting the matter to The FA and it was appropriate and proper for such an allegation to be thoroughly investigated."

The FA, however, decided to charge Mikel for using "threatening words" after storming into the referees changing room subsequent to being told by his teammates of the alleged racist remark.

"It is alleged that in or around the match officials' changing room at the end of the fixture, Mikel used threatening and/or abusive and/or insulting words and/or behaviour," the FA said.

"The player has until Friday Nov. 30, 2012 to respond to the charge."

Clattenburg, who had been stood down from refereeing in the past four weeks due to the allegations, expressed his relief and happiness at being cleared.

"I am looking forward to putting this behind me and concentrating on refereeing in the Premier League and other competitions," he said. "I am extremely grateful for the invaluable support of my family, my select group colleagues, the management of Professional Game Match Officials Limited and our union Prospect.

"The messages of encouragement from those inside and outside of the game have helped me through the most stressful time of my professional life.

"To know you were innocent of something but that there was the opportunity for it to wreck your career was truly frightening.

"Racism has no place in football and this experience should not discourage those to speak out if they genuinely believe they are a victim of abuse. However, there are processes that should be adhered in order that any investigation can be carried out in a manner that is fair for all parties involved.

"I know first-hand the ramifications of allegations of this nature being placed into the public domain ahead of a formal process and investigation. I hope no referee has to go through this in the future."

Chelsea also released a statement, accepting the decision while also defending their right to make an official complaint.

"Chelsea Football Club accepts the Football Association's decision regarding Mark Clattenburg and welcomes the fact that the FA recognises the club and players were correct in reporting the matter," the statement read.

"The FA states Chelsea took the correct action following the Manchester United match and encourages all players who believe they have been either subject, or witness, to discriminatory abuse to report the matter immediately to the match officials on the day, and in turn to the FA.

"The club also notes the charge brought against John Mikel Obi. While the player does not deny the charge, he will request a personal hearing to explain the mitigating circumstances.

"With regards to the Mark Clattenburg decision, the club accepts the case is now concluded and notes the FA states the allegation was made in good faith." 

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