PENALTY KICKS Bradford City 1 (3) -1 (2) Arsenal
5- For the tie! Vermaelen MISSES!! OFF THE POST!!! Bradford wins!!! BRADFORD WINS!
For the winner! Bradford City Richey Jones with the kick... BLOCK!!! Jones misses!
4- Chamberlin must score!-- GOAL!
4- Conell GOAL!
3- Wilshere of Arsenal GOAL! Keeps them alive
3- Darby of Bradford-- BLOCK! Arsenal stays alive!
2- Chamkh of Arsenal--- OFF THE POST!!! Next goal could win it for Bradford
2- Jones of Bradford-- GOAL!
1- Cazorla of Arsenal--- BLOCKED!! Duke with the save!
1- Doyle of Bradford. Whistle blows. GOAL! Szczesny gets a hand on it, but it goes through!
Bradford has the advantage in penalty kicks. They are confident. Supposedly have won a record 8 consecutive penalty showdowns.
30 seconds left. Arsenal can't get it in the box. Cazorla with teh kick. Can't get it through hard it enough.
30+ 1 Free kick from midfield for Arsenal!
ET2 29' Bradford inbounds right next to own court. Hanson gets yellow card. Arsenal possesses
27' Arsenal misses another opprtunity with numbers in the box. Painful to watch the miscommunication.
ET2 26' Chamberlin with the stil. Gibbs gets the pass. Rosicky too long with the pass!
ET 2 25' Bradford inbounds... immediately turn it over.
Chamberlain gets into it with Chamkh
ET2 23' Offsides Bradford. Arsenal takes it. Cazorla trying to set the offense. Soft touch for Chamberlin. Wanted a different pass
ET2 22 Chamberlin too hard on the kick! Had numbers. Can't find them. Too strong.
ET2 21' Bradford with another foul... Arsenal on offense. with space. ... Turn it over. Bradford now takes over on offense. Too long on pass.
ET 21' Cazorla way off with the kick. Bradford controls
ET 20' Free kcik for Arsenal. They take it up field. Chamberlin turns it over. Bradford kicks it out of bounds. Arsenal controls
ET 19' Bradford has ball... Bradford now to inbound. Arsenal now with great defense.
ET 2 18' Bradford's defense has been busy all game.
17' Cross too long... Bradford clears... Cazorla fakes big legger, then puts soft touch... Cazorla again OFF THE CROSS BAR!!!
16' Cazorla with teh corner... Can't get header to drop. Goes far right
ET 2 15' Bradford kicks off... Arsenal immediately takes control
15' CORNER! Nothing.
ET' 12 Bradford with the steal, they come with numbers. Arsenal quickly gets back. Arsenal finally takes it away and Cazorla gives it to Sagna
ET 11' another Arsenal corner.. Duke on the save
ET 9' Bradford clears. Arsenal keeps it. Chamberlin goes over the net.
ET 8' Gibbs with the left leg. Duke with the save! Corner Arsenal.
Arsenal probably won't get another opportunity like that again.
ET 5' Chamberlin too strong on pass to Gibbs. Ball goes out of bounds. Sagna controls on the right. Arsenal with a corner. Wasted opportunity though by Arsenal.
Sagna kicks corner out of bounds
ET 2' I think Chamberlin wanted a hand ball. He was in penalty area.
ET 2' Free kick comes. Bradford had it just a few yards from goal, couldn't control the ball
ET 1' Atkinson OUT Turgott IN ------Bradford with Subs
ET 0' Arsenal kicks off
End of Regulation! We go to Overtime!
90+3 CARZORLA WITH TWO OPPORTUNITIES!!! Great blocks by Duke!
90+1 Game gets physical. 90+ 2 Arsenal controls... they are trying to break them down. FREE KICK Arsenal from 10 yards from penalty area
90' Bradford controls... 4 Mins of extended play!
89' Ball at midfield, Arsenal controls... Gervinho from the left. Bradford intercepts and Cazorla with a foul.
87' Arsenal had another chance! Could have taken the lead but kick went wide right
86' CORNER Arsenal GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! It's a tied ball game. Cazorla with the score. Vermaelen puts in the header!
86' soft touch on pass. The Bradford defense is suffocating. Giving Arsenal no space.
85' FREE KICK Arsenal! Wilshere gets fouled.
84' Chamberlin gets under the ball! It clears everything. And another opportunity is wasted. Arsenal now toughening up on defense
82' Meridith clears it for Bradford. They are not giving Arsenal ANYTHING.
81' Arsenal on the attack once again--- ARSENAL OFFSIDES!
80' Bradford inbounds in Arsenal's side. there goes the left leg! SAVE by DUKE! Then Chamberlin chases ball too hard and screws up corner kick opportunity
78' Arsenal has the ball. Every time they get it in position to attack, Bradford does a great job of clearing it.
76' Wilshere fouls. Free kick from right side of field. Arsenal clears. Bradford traces it down. Wil inbound
75' Cazorla kicks it right into Bradford defender, they had numbers for a few seconds.
74' Arsenal continues to attack. Bradford clears.
Thompson OUT Jones IN
69' ANOTHER CHANCE BLOW BY ARSENAL! They are showing a lot of energy though. CORNER KICK Arsenal
Chamberlain IN Podolski OUT
68' Wells charged with the flag... Ramsey off after he had returned to the game. Rosicky IN
67' Sagna pushes from the right side of the field. They turn it over and Arsenal takes it.
66' Arsenal holds. Score remains 1-0 Bradford. Arsenal controls the ball.
65' Bradford trying to take the 2-0 lead now. Attacking Arsenal's net
64' Szczesny kicks it in. Arsenal turns it over.
63' Bradford gets fouled. Thompson with header cross, hits nobody. Arsenal with the ball and they turn it over.
61' Ramsey exits with a bloody nose. Arsenal controls.
Coquelin OUT Chamakh IN---- Ramsey then takes boot to the face from Hanson
Gervinho with the ball. Can't find open player. Goes right between Gibbs legs.
59' lead pass too heavy! Ball goes straight to Duke the goalie. He inbounds. Arsenal with ball. Attacking again
58' Gibbs possesses. Sagna now from the right. Cross goes nowhere! Arsenal still possesses
57' Arsenal tries to gain control. Bradford with the ball. Great pass, but Bradford turns it over.
NO CORNER! Official says ball was off Podolski... Duke inbounds. Bradford will control
55' Darby inbounds Gervinho all alone! Can't handle the ball. Podolski has ball taken away. Corner coming.
53' free kick! From same exact spot as before... Arsenal pushes! Gervino passes. Ball at the middle of the penalty box. Ramsey kicks in wrong direction
51' Ball bounces around in front of net. Arsenal clears. Bradford controls. Arsenal inbounds
50' Free kick coming! Vermaelen with trip and push from the back. From right side of the pitch. Cross curves and isn't hit solidly by Bradford, they still control. No OFFSIDES! Wells controls! Kicks... Corner coming
49' Arsenal controls as Bradford runs back to cover their side of the field.
48' Bradford inbounds and then turns it over.
46' Arsenal controls on own side of the field. Cross cleared by Bradford and they come the other way on the attack. ON THE CROSS! Hanson can't get the angle.
Bradford kicks off the 2nd half
Arsenal had more than plenty of opportunities to tie this match late in the 1st half.
Stick around as we will be back for the beginning of the 2nd half.
45' + 2 NO TIME FOR MORE------------ FIRST HALF IS OVER!------------------------------
45' + 1 Arsenal player down. Wilshere goes down and stays there. Bradford gives ball back
45' Wells too hard on the kick. Clears the net and cross bar.
WELLS! Again gets behind defense. INCHES FROM MAKING IT 2-0! Just far right by centimeters!
44' Arsenal on the attack! Ball too far ahead after a heavy pass.
42' Arsenal controls. Trying to make something happen as we near the half.
41' Bradford intercepts at midfield and then they turn the ball over. Arsenal controls. Gervinho SO CLOSE! Couldn't find the cross from Gibbs! Was right in front of the net with nobody in front!
We are nearing half time.
38' Thompson offsides. Arsenal controls
Free kick for Bradford. midway between midfield and penalty area on right side of the field
38' Cazorla with the super kick goes over the net.
37' Arsenal on the attack. Bradford all over them on defense. OFF THE POST! OFF THE POST! Coquelin of the right post!
36' no real action taking place so far. Both teams turning it over. Arsenal currently opossesses.
33' GIBBS ALMOST TIES IT UP! Goes far left with a jump kick. Bradford inbounds
31' Bradford controls. Arsenal intercepts, Arsenal too long on kick and Duke throws it in.
30' Arsenal controls. Hard kick goes out of bounds... Duke kicks it in
29' Bradford corner!... Cleared by Arsenal. Bradford still controls. No offsides. Thompson goes with the bicycle kick. Not enough on the kick Szczesny on the stop
28' Arsenal possesses. Bradford ball.
28' Cazorla and Podolski are behind the ball.. The Bradford wall prevents ball from progressing through the zone.
27' Free kick just a couple of yards from penalty box.
25' Arsenal controls... Ball is turned over and Bradford brings it up... They turn it over and Arsenal goes on the race. Cazorla was fouled!
23' Close on another score, but Arsenal clears
22' Gervinho again offsides... Ball controlled by Bradford City. Corner kick Bradford.
21' pick up the turnover. Wells goes on the run. Atkinson was crossing over the middle. Arsenal plays it well.
20' Bradford City's defense is swarming and not allowing any Arsenal penetration
19' Arsenal to inbound on own side of field. Gervinho controls. Now Cazorla. They turn it over. Arsenal recovers.
17' Cazorla too hard on the kick. Bradford City controls
16' Arsenal on the attack. Corner coming for them.
15' HEADER DEFLECTED! Thompson with the left LEG! IT'S UP! IT'S GOOD!!! GOAL!! Bradford City GOAL!
14' Sagna with back-to-back crosses. second one is collected by Duke the goalie. Airs it out to Wells! Wells fouled. Free kick from right side of field not too far from corner.
13' Now Hanson called for offsides, Arsenal controls... Turn it over at midfield. Foul on Wells. Arsenal free kick and they proceed to turn it over. Now Bradford turns it over. Arsenal inbounds
12' Gervinho offsides again... On replay, it didn't seem like he was behind defender.
11' it's now Podolski too hard with the header. Completely clears cross bar
10' Bradford comes back the other away and a great play by Szczesny saves a goal.
9' TOO HIGH ON THE HEADER!! Header was too strong and clears the cross bar. Vermaelen with shot
8' great defense by Arsenal. ... Gervinho takes it! Completely fools defender.... CORNER!
7' first corner kick of the game coming for Arsenal... Gervinho with a header... Oh no! It was a handball. Duke was there on the stop anyways. Gervinho in the book
6' Arsenal cleas and possesses on Bradford side of the field
5' Wells of Bradford almost scores as Arsenal does horrible job of clearing. Szczesny with the save!
4' Gervinho clearly offsides. No defenders around him for over 20 yards
3' Bradford with a cros to the middle of the penalty area! Whistle... Offsides. Yeah, clearly offsides on Hanson
2' Ramsey with the cross! Coquelin gets ball deflected. Couldn't time the kick. First opportunity blown by Arsenal
2' Arsenal finally takes it out of own side of the field
1' Szczesny brings down a long pass. Arsenal possesses.... By the way, it is FREEZING in Bradford. Players are sporting gloves
1' play it on the right side of the field. Ball cleared and Arsenal controls, Doyle of Bradford possesses.
0' Bradford possesses, already a foul on Arsenal. Gibbs a bit physical. Free kick from close to midfield
Arsenal with the kickoff!!
Teams are on the field!
Arsenal players look a bit awkward coming out of othe locker rooms...
Arteta does not appear to be in the lineup for Arsenal today. He was responsible for two goals on Saturday.
The action is just minutes away. Let us know at the bottom of the page in the discussion area who you are rooting for.
---------------WELCOME TO THE LIVE BLOG----------------
Arsenal takes on Bradford City in the Capital One Cup quarterfinals today at 2:45 p.m. ET and we have the live blog with scoring updates and play-by-play coverage ready for you.
For Arsenal, this is a chance to take a cup back home. They are trailing heavily in the Premier League standings and could give their fan base some hope if they move on to semifinals of the Capital One Cup.
They are coming off a victory over West Brom Albion where they won 2-0 on Saturday.
They take on a Bradford City team that has been on a bit of a streak as they have not lost a game in almost a month.
They are coming off two draws and three victories in their last five matches, suffering their final loss against Exeter City in the English League Two.
In the Capital One Cup tournament, they went 4-0 in the first facet of the tournament, entering the quarterfinals in dramatic fashion on a 4-2 shootout victory over Wigan Athletic.
Arsenal won their two Capital One Cup matches this season, most recently getting past Reading in an action packed 7-5 victory.
Refresh the page and scroll to the top of the article for the latest scores and play-by-play of this matchup that will decide who advances to the Capital One Cup semifinals.