Dec 29, 2015 03:30 PM EST
NFL Injury News: Tony Romo May Have Plate Inserted To Help Collarbone

The Dallas Cowboys star quarterback may put in a metal plate to strengthen his left collarbone. Romo has broken his left collarbone 3 times since 2010 and twice this season so there is no deny some fragility there.

The main issue with his second break came from him being rushed back entirely too early. At 35 Romo is no spring chicken but he should at least have 3 solid years of football left. The Cowboys can ill afford to have another season like 2015's and making sure Romo stays healthy is a step in the right direction. Romo is scheduled to have a CT scan on his left clavicle so his options become clearer.

Romo and his medical team may decide a plate is unnecessary if the bone itself has healed to a point where he could take NFL hits. A small plate would lower the percentage of a broken left clavicle significantly however Jerry Jones made it clear that Romo will only go under the knife if there is a major setback in his recovery.

Romo stated "I feel strongly about the way I'm going to be able to play going forward". Jerry Jones hinted that the Cowboys have learned their lesson from relying on unreliable backup quarterbacks so expect them to either sign a new one in free agency or for them to draft one in 2016.

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